The truth is, Social Problems arise because of Poverty. Some would rather turn a blind eye to others in need but the destitute often find themselves in a context of desperation. Desperate people do desperate things. And this has an impact upon our Community as a whole. Locking people up is not the answer because, aside from having to fund expensive facilities and paid professionals, when folks are released they have a record and finding gainful employment is that much harder. Exploited and rejected, such conditions invite crime, drugs and prostitution. And we need less of that, not more. The cost of turning a blind eye to neighbors in need comes at the price of murder, rape, violence, and criminal activity. This drives the resale value of our neighborhood homes down and the cost of emergency response up. All told, we end up paying double or triple what we would have if we had just shown a little kindness and helped someone get back on their feet. The choice is ours: pay a little now or pay in a big way down the road.